Formation digitale 360 ?
A PROPOS 09 Février 2025

Voir toutes les demandes d'embarquement

Détails de la demande d'embarquement
déposée le 06/08/2012

Date de départ souhaitée : 14/11/2012
Date d'arrivée souhaitée : 20/08/2012

Lieu de départ souhaité : HONG KONG
Lieu d'arrivée souhaité : TAIWAN

Type de navigation souhaité : Hauturier
Zone de navigation souhaitée : Sud est asiatique
Commentaire : Hello, I'm looking for two boat. The first one to go from Hong Kong to Taiwan around the 15th of November and the second one from Taiwan to Hong Kong or even better to Thaïlande or Malaysia (my final destination) at the beginning of december. I'll be pleased to help on the boat and I can pay for my food. I already cross the Mediterranean sea from France to Turkey. I'm travelling all around the world meeting different people and learning their way of living, discovering new culture and new landscape. I'm really worry about climate change. Therefore, I want to avoid planes. This is not really a problem for me, I prefer using local transport, walking, biking, hitch-hiking, bus, train, boat... better way to meet people and discover landscape. I also want to ask all the children I'm going to meet, to participate in a World Child Drawing Relay. Children of one school will draw for children of the next school (it's in French but you may have a look to my web site). Best regards, Yogo

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